Hair Of The Conditioning
"Captain Smith, where would you like these deck chairs?"
--apocryphally ascribed to a junior lieutenant on the Titanic
Dave Smith Quickly & Deftly Sketches Biden's Ukraine Psychosis
In addition to all the self-evident reasons to call Old Joe criminally insane over the past week, I have another small one that affects me personally.
One of the lesser bits of madness was "loan forgiveness" to the tune of billions and billions of dollars of "aid" that were (someday, theoretically) supposed to be paid back to US taxpayers after Ukraine pulled off the ultimate upset and won their war.
Meanwhile: I did pay back most of my student loans, and for twenty years I also worked in low-income counties for educational non-profits--which was supposed to earn me total forgiveness on its own, even before Biden was elected on a promise to clean up the mess.
Yet somehow they still say I owe them eleven thousand dollars ...
... and eventually, they're going to garnish my freaking social security check to get it.
I am not even close to being the biggest sob story out here either.
You have cash by the bucketload to give undemocratic despots like Zelensky, or serial-killer freaks in Israel, or Taliban gunmen in Afghanistan just for promising to be on "our side", yep, uh-huh.
But none to spare when it comes to Lead-free plumbing for poor blacks in Michigan and Mississippi, none for the victims of disaster in Lahaina or Burnsville, NC; none at all for any American to have affordable rent or actual health care or even so much as some shitty insurance. No. Your own poor citizens all still have to pay up, or go without, and some of them are little kids that will never recover from the deprivations.
Fat cats at home and abroad rake it in hand over fist, and the Nancy Pelosis of the world trade on the inside to amass fortunes because the good people of the elite coasts were gullible enough to re-elect her over and over until only zombie drugs and plastic surgery can keep her from looking like any more of a corpse than she is on the inside.
And the trees in their stately plantation rows still bear strange fruit.
Dark as night and pale as death and every shade in between.
US Military Power ROTTEN From Within. Collapse Immanent | Lt. Col. Karin Kwiatkowski
An insider’s account of the situation with the Department of “Defense”, which, it turns out, has very little to do with actually defending anyone or anything.
And by the way, Pascal, I know you’re not a native English speaker, but you mean: Imminent.
Immanence is a different thing, and it gets discussed over there at the Spill, not here.
Is … the idea anyway …